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Deadliest Scorpion in Namibia

GRANULATED THICK-TAILED SCORPION Dikstertskerpioen – parabuthus granulatus

The Granulated Thick-Tailed Scorpion is one of the larger species of parabuthus, found mainly in dry habitats (with less than 600 mm of rain per year) in South Africa and Namibia. It digs a shallow shelter in the ground — usually at the bottom of shrubs in sandy soil, but it is also known to burrow under stones. These scorpions can also be found in and around human habitats in these areas.

Scorpions are usually active during the summer months. Most species are nocturnal. Scorpions are predators and eat insects like locusts, small lizards, mice and even spiders. The poison that is sprayed into the prey dissolves the tissues so the scorpion can ingest it. Scorpions can survive without food for long periods of time. They can subsist on as little as one insect per year, but cannot survive without water. The scorpion will, therefore, hibernate until circumstances and conditions become more favourable.

Parabuthus granulatus has the potential to be life-threatening. In one study, 42 severe cases were reported, including four fatalities. The fatalities were children who did not receive anti-venom (made from P. traansvalicus poison). The use of antivenom is only recommended for severe cases, as even the anti-venom can be life-threatening. Most scorpions in southern African are relatively harmless to humans, although they can deliver a painful sting.


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